Compassion for All Things

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

~Anatole France


Public perception of the APBT is misinformed by media hype.

The APBT is a misunderstood breed that was once a national symbol of courage and pride, that is demonized in the media. A pit bull can make a great family pet but they are not the dog for everyone. They are bold, active creatures and can get into all sorts of adventures (and misadventures). If you are considering a pit bull, ask yourself if you are willing to learn all you can about this breed so you can educate people and handle the negative image, looks and comments from the public. Also, ask yourself if you will have time to train, socialize, exercise and provide a safe environment. Finally, ask yourself if you will be able to make a lifetime commitment to this breed. Only through responsible ownership can we change the pit bull's image.

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