Compassion for All Things

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

~Anatole France


Stop Backyard Breeders

Backyard Breeders are a large part of the problem of abandoned and abused animals.  Prevention is critical to end this kind of animal suffering..

A backyard breeder is a person who:
1. Breeds only one dog at a time;
2. May breed their dog just once, but for the purpose of making little money;
3. May repeat breed the same dog;
4. May dispose of one dog and obtain another (more lucrative) to breed;
5. Often keeps the dog and pups in a yard, garage, shed, basement, closet, or pen;
6. May sell puppies as young as four weeks, with no vaccinations, and for as little as $50, although some backyard breeders sell pups of more desirable breeds for several hundred dollars each.
7. Often breeds the pups that end up being KILLED in pounds when they are abandoned as unwanted adults: cross breeds of German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Huskies, Pit Bulls, and other large breed dogs.

 Bob Barker had it right when he ended his show with the message for his audience to spay and neuter thier pets.  Yet as big an audience as he reached, and as often he repeated his message for 25 years, people do not get the message.  Responsible people need to spread the word and prevent animal cruelty.

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